- VeganMoFo is back!!! Check out the 2014 blogroll here.
- Do you know how to eat sushi? This video is pretty interesting if you ignore all the fish stuff. (via kottke)
- Dunkin' Donuts is introducing almond milk and that's not all! If you tweet or instagram with #almonDDmilk, you are entered to win $100 or $500 gift cards. Read more here. #almonDDmilk #wherearemyvegandonuts #veganmunchkinswouldbecooltoo (via The Daily Meal)
- Check out the SNACKPOCALYPSE trailer on Funny or Die, which proves the importance of a plant-based diet within the structure of a parody of a YA novel based movie. (via Jezebel)
- 12 daily struggles only a vegan will understand. This is a good list. Although, number #8 has never happened to me. I guess my friends aren't monsters. Apparently #veganprobs is a thing. #hashtagthat #forreal #thisisnotgettingold
- In animal rights news, Unilever is pledging money to research ending the horrible practice of the egg production industry of grinding up little male chick because they don't produce eggs. Although I'm glad that they are trying to end the inhumane disposal of fluffy little baby chicks, I'm troubled by the thought of people using this to feel better about eating eggs. Even outside of the hatchery, there are plenty of problems with the egg industry. Why don't they use their money to research egg substitutions? (via The Daily Meal)
Cocktail of the Week: This thing. I'm not sure what it's called. It's an evening worth of drinks in one glass.
What's in there? It's a fruity frozen margarita, an extra shot of tequila, and an inverted bottle of Corona. I can feel my mom shaking her head as I type this.
Email that crap out of us @ monicatara[at]gmail.com. Or just comment here! We love you and we want feedback and cocktail ideas!
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