Wednesday, August 1, 2012

In Meme-ory of

This all started out with Aaron Sorkin being Aaron Sorkin during an interview with Sarah Nicole Prickett of Toronto's The Globe and Mail.  

First, this gem:
“Listen here, Internet girl,” he says, getting up. “It wouldn’t kill you to watch a film or pick up a newspaper once in a while.”

Then this:
“I’m sick of girls who don’t know how to high-five,” he says. He makes me try to do it “properly,” six times. He also makes me laugh; I’m nervous, and it’s so absurd. He loves it. He says, “Let me manhandle you.” Then he ambles off, hoping I’ll write something nice, as though he has never known how the news works, how many stories can be true.
(See the entire article here)

And then by the mystical powers of the internet, the Hey Internet Girl Tumblr was born.

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